Brief candidate name: Dominique James
Project outline brief candidate number: 11030
Project: memories centre number: 5080
We have been working with artist Dan Scott, Edward George and Sue Mayo from the project called lift. Whilst working with these artists we were able to understand more about what is archiving. I learnt that archiving isn’t just artifacts but anything that happened in the past and art doesn’t have to be the final outcome but the process as well. In this project I will be focusing on the theme of memories by documenting my summer in a range of medium forming an archive of my experiences over the summer.
Aims of the project: The aim of the project on memories and archiving is to produce a window installation as a group, focusing on the process of art and documenting our own experiences over the summer holiday using a range of different methods and techniques. I will also produce a book which will include my experiences over the summer, I will also be including the idea of place when documenting my summer as it is important to look at my surroundings and this will be shown in my work as the spectator will be able to see the diversity in the places I have been.
Primary and secondary sources: In recording my summer I will be focusing on the five senses, using techniques such as recorder to record sound, pictures and drawings to record sight , description to describe tastes , description and a method of preservation to capture the different smells, and detailed writing or poetry to describe and explain touch. I also want to include some obscure objects which will create a surreal outlook on my art work taking something that would often be neglected and making it seem important.
Ideas and responses: In my responses I will be looking at artists from the lift project Dan Scott, Edward George, and Sue Mayo of whom I have met and worked with previously on the beginning stages of the window installation. I will be responding to these artists based on their specialties from my primary sources and objects that I have collected over the summer which will generate an interesting outcome.
Critical and contextual references and influences: The three main artists that I have focused on is Dan Scott, who specializes in sound Dan completed an MA in Sound Arts at the London College of Communication and has taken his recording equipment all over Europe for performances, as he specializes in sound in my response I will include sound recorded from my primary sources which I have taken over the summer holiday. Edward George is a visual and sound artist, writer, director and producer and is currently working on a collaborative on-line archival project exploring the theme of the Promised Land I will use his skill of archiving to document and record parts of my summer holiday and incorporate his idea of abstract and surrealism as it will give my artwork a deeper meaning because not everything is as it seems. I also like his use of layering and how that can represent a different stage in time. Sue mayo is a writer, director and producer, she also has over 20 years’ experience of running theatre, and whilst working with her on the lift project she taught us how performance is a part of art, although I don’t want to include live action in my art work I do like how movement can affect the tone of your art work , for example if something was to spin rapidly it makes the spectator feel confused and disorientated , where as if it was to spin slowly the spectator would feel more relaxed and tranquil. So movement can generate different emotions and I would like to explore that in my outcomes.
Intended techniques media, processes and timescales: In my project I will be using a range of media and processes to produce a set of experimentations which will be included in my final outcome, this will include:
· Computer aided design
· Lino printing
· Collage
· Reliefs
· Sculptures/ Marquette
· Painting
· Drawing in a range of medium
· Book making
· binding
Proposed methods of review and evaluation: As my final outcome is linked to my summer holiday, I will be producing a set of outcomes and responses from my primary sources that I collected over the summer holiday focusing on my five senses and my artist research, here I would use a range of techniques and different materials to get a variety of outcomes.
Proposed target career: My project would link to my chosen career in architecture as I will include structural elements in my artwork in both 2-d and 3-d forms.
Proposed method of presentation and final review: The final outcome will be exhibited in the form of a window installation which is a group project and will be constantly viewed by an audience. Following on what I learnt from the lift project about how art is a process I will work on my installation in stages building on it bit by bit till its final presentation this allows the audience to really notice the subtle changes it goes through as every week it evolves until its complete.
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